A Free Template From Joomlashack

A Free Template From Joomlashack

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Data Measurement

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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   1Wire_1
This program reads single 1Wire sensor on a 1wire-bus, uses Timer1 for generating 1 second pulse to read temperature each second
2   Link   1Wire_2
This program displays 1Wire ID No. of two 1Wire sensors on a bus without &H00 on a start
3   Link   1Wire_3
Program displays ID No. of two 1Wire sensors on a bus without &H00 on a start; stores sensors' ID to internal AVR EEPROM. Sensors are connected to the same port.
4   Link   1Wire_4
Program displays ID of 1Wire sensors.
Each 1Wire sensor is connected to a different port.
5   Link   1Wire_5
Program displays temperature of multiple sensors. Each 1Wire sensor is connected to a different port.
6   Link   TestSDPortA
Program tests SD memory card on SD card adapter; does reading from & writing to the card.
7   Link   Test_SD_B_Read_HW-UART
Program tests SD memory card on SD card adapter; does reading from the card.
8   Link   Test_SD_B_Write_HW-UART
Program tests SD memory card on SD card adapter; does writing to the card.
9   Link   Config_MMC.bas
Configures SD card
10   Link   CONFIG_AVR-DOS.bas
Configures AVR-DOS. Note: this file cannot be used for commercial purposes. Contact author in that case.
11   Link   USB-ADC2_UK
Program acquires analogue voltages and communicates via USB to the PC on MiniPin II or MegaPin dev. boards. One can turn all LEDs on by pressing A on PC keyboard and turn off all LEDs by pressing B.
12   Link   HP03MA
Program demonstrates use of HP03MA, air pressure sensor.
13   Link   GPS01
Program that receives GPS data from GPS module and displays data on graphical LCD display.
14   Link   GPS_2x16_LCD
Program that receives GPS data from GPS module and displays data on 2x16 LCD display.
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