A Free Template From Joomlashack

A Free Template From Joomlashack

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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   BGF files
BGF_files to be used with graphical LCD files.
2   Link   BIG_Displ_1
Program displays numbers on 4x20 LCD through two lines, which appears as large fonts. One can combine ordinary and large fonts in the same program
3   Link   BIG_Displ_2
Huge fonts on 4x20 LCD through all 4 lines.Really nice effect for displaying large fonts on 4x20 LCD.
4   Link   LCD_2x16
Program demonstrates how easy it is to use LCD with Bascom-AVR
5   Link   multi_lcd-spi.lib
SPI library to be used with SPI LCD.bas program
6   Link   SPILCD
Multiple LCDs on SPI bus, one can use Tiny AVR to control 3 LCDs with this sample.
7   Link   GLCD_1
Program draws a table, some text and some lines on a graphical LCD.
8   Link   GLCD_2
Program with fonts and image fonts can be placed anywhere on a GLCD.
9   Link   GLCD_3
Graphical LCD with touch screen, sample with a small keypad, includes also calibration routine.
10   Link   GLCD_4
Program draws small buttons and uses Touch panel; used with calibration for touch screen, when program starts for the first time press button on PortD.0 so that you see
message: Calibration then press each button on the screen to calibrate calibrated values are stored to EEPROM
11   Link   7seg_T0
Program drives 4-digit 7-segment display using Timer/Counter0 related interrupts.
12   Link   7seg_T1
Program drives 4-digit 7-segment display using Timer/Counter1 related interrupts.
13   Link   CONFIG_AVR-DOS
AVR-DOS config file to be used with SD card program.
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