Written by Administrator
Thursday, 05 July 2012 21:49 |
Format: A4, 212 pages. This easy to understand manual is both a useful learning tool and a good reference manual to keep handy on your workbench. Starting out with the basics of microcontroller programming, it proceeds to cover intermediate and advanced topics of Atmel's AVR Microcontroller family. The programming aspect of the book focuses on the widely popular Bascom-AVR compiler, which is a very user-friendly Basic compiler/IDE developed in the Netherlands. Throughout the book, practical projects are included, at various levels of complexity, to match the subjects in the various chapters.

Inputs & Outputs
In microcontroller applications push buttons are used in most cases. How to use them without unwanted contact «bounce« (what is debouncing anyway?), how we can intelligently increase the number of I/O pins of a microcontroller, driving DC motors and becoming familiar with PWM, are topics of this chapter. Get your hands on an AVR microcontroller with help from Bascom-AVR and start controlling the world around you!
Last Updated on Thursday, 27 June 2024 20:49 |