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There should be many practical projects in every book for programmers and this book is no exception. Bascom-AVR, in conjunction with AVR microcontrollers, is a winning combination when designing a simple (but very powerful) I2C analyzer. Other projects, like a Frequency generator, Frequency counter, a simple but accurate Clock and a Metal detector are just a few of the projects that can be found in this chapter.

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AVR microcontrollers are user-friendly, so get to know them better!

I2C monitor PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vladimir Mitrović   

Integrated circuits within telecommunications and industrial electronic devices and complex consumer devices (for example, in a TV set) often communicate using the I2C protocol. This article describes a simple device that can monitor traffic on the I2C bus. Let’s find out what kind of messages these chips exchange!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 10:06
“Bare-bones” programmable electronic load PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jurij Mikeln   

Not long ago, I was testing a PWM power supply and its characteristics. For basic tests, an ordinary 100W ceramic power resistor – a souvenir from my student days, was enough. Finding a similar resistor nowadays would be nearly impossible task. Probably one can find it at radio amateur “flea markets”. Even if we found a suitable resistor, this is not a good solution if we want to perform measurements over wide range power supply voltages/currents. For that purpose one would need to buy either a powerful rheostat or a programmable electronic load.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 11:34
An ATtiny2313 Frequency meter PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vladimir Mitrović   

The ATtiny2313-based frequency meter shown in Figure 1 can measure frequencies from 1 Hz to almost 10 MHz with a 4 to 5 digit accuracy. The accuracy depends primarily on the exact frequency of the X1 crystal, which can be fine-tuned by the variable capacitor C5. A 74HCT4520 (IC3) is used as a digital low-pass filter, which signals the microcontroller if the measured frequency exceeds the upper limit. A two line LCD display is used to show the result. Therefore, the frequency and the period can be displayed simultaneously.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 June 2013 13:37
The RFM12B expansion board PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jurij Mikeln   

The RFM12B expansion board offers MiniPin II and MegaPin users a cheap platform for developing short-range RF communication using RFM12B transceiver modules. The RFM12B is a low-power version of RFM12 module. It operates from 2.2 to 3.8 Volts.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 11:34
Metal detector PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tomislav Berend   

Did you ever want to discover a hidden treasure? One of the first devices that I built as a child was a simple metal detector. Later, I built various different metal detectors from plans published in electronics magazines. Today, the prices for metal detectors vary from a few hundred to a thousand Euro, and therefore I have decided to design one of my own – an improved version of the “pulse induction” metal detector.

Last Updated on Friday, 07 July 2017 10:01
Programmable IR sender/receiver PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vladimir Mitrović   

It’s normal for satellite, TV and hi-fi audio receivers, various recorders and players, air conditioning and many other devices to have remote controls. Some remotes have been designed for one specific device, whereas others are universal and tend to combine the functions of many remote controls in just one unit.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 11:33
A Frequency Reference Using the ATtiny2313 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vladimir Mitrović   

The ATtiny2313-based frequency reference produces a series of rectangular pulses with a 50% duty cycle. The frequency of these pulses is very stable, while the frequency range covers a full 10 decades, ranging from 0.001 Hz to 10 MHz.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 11:34
Simple RTC - Real Time Clock PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jurij Mikeln   

Some AVR microcontrollers have Timer2 which can operate in asynchronous mode. These AVRs are the ATmega8, ATmega168 and ATmega16 etc. With some help from simple Bascom code, one can make an accurate clock which will display date and time.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 June 2013 13:36
Shepherd’s fire PDF Print E-mail
Written by Bojan Kovač   

Pulse-width modulation is really useful. One of my ideas was to make a real electronic flame that was modulated with PWM. Many of you probably help decorating a Christmas tree or making a nativity scene, containing a shepherd’s fire near the shed at Bethlehem.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 11:35
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