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Data Measurement


Human beings live in an analogue world and  feel comfortable there. But this is not so for microcontrollers, which live in a digital world. After successfully measuring data, we have to transform it into digital values. We can do this in many ways, by using smart sensors (and smart programming) to get temperature, air pressure or even a GPS location – all with AVRs.


Get familiar with data measurements using Bascom-AVR!

Demystification of 1-Wire® commands PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jurij Mikeln   

Bascom-AVR has a couple of 1-Wire statements available. Many times readers call me about 1-Wire statements. Also, many times during my Bascom seminar lectures, similar questions about 1-Wire statements, like 1wiresearch, 1wirecount, 1wirenext come up. Because I have never studied these statements, I have always replied that “I have never used these statements”. One recent hot summer allowed me to rectify the situation. So, here we go: in this chapter you will read all about 1-Wire statements.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 14:38
Measuring analogue values PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jurij Mikeln   

Those of us who are involved in electronics generally want to measure analogue values such as voltage, current, resistance and other electronics parameters. When microcontrollers firstly appeared, they did not have A/D (analogue to digital) converters built-in, so engineers had to figure out that problem. Today, we are lucky: most AVR microcontrollers contain a 10-bit A/D converter, only a few do not. However they usually have at least a built-in comparator which can also be handy for making an A/D conversion.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 14:39
GPS modules, their description and use PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jurij Mikeln   

The abbreviation GPS is known to virtually all of us. Amongst those who have an electronics background, it’s been known for many years. Within the general public it’s only been common knowledge for the last 10 years due to the existence of low-cost GPS devices and smart phones with GPS built in. In this chapter, I will introduce to you two GPS modules that are representative of the GPS market. Also, I’ll show you some Bascom examples and other interesting programs. GPS modules came to my attention a few years ago, when our company purchased a few GPS01 modules from HopeRF [1]. A few weeks later, we purchased another GPS module, the FGPMMOPA6B by Global Top [2]. They differ one from each other by the chipset that is used. The GPS01 is based on the Skytraq Venus6 chipset while the FGPMMOPA6B is based upon the Mediatek MT3329 chipset.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 August 2012 10:12
Using an SD card with the AVR – DOS File System PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vilko Sustič   

If you are designing a device which would, for example, control your house or workshop, protect your home from burglars, water leaks or fire etc., then you need some sort of data logger for later examination of the above-mentioned events. You might want to know who has entered a code on the keypad, when there was a power supply failure, what has caused an alarm to be tripped, etc.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 14:39
Using a pressure sensor PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vlado Berend   

HopeRF offers many pressure sensors, besides the HP03M that I received. They also offer some with a built-in compass. Figure 1 shows the internal structure of the HP03M sensor.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 August 2012 14:40

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