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# Web Link Hits
21   Link   Sheppard
Program that emulates real fire with multiple LEDs using 3 ch. PWM on ATtiny45
22   Link   TX_RFM12B_Minipin
Program sends data on the Channel 8 when push button is pressed
23   Link   RX_RFM12B_Minipin
Program waits on the Channel 8 to receive data
24   Link   Hope RFM UHF modules program samples
25   Link   Drive digiPot MCP41HV31
Program to drive digital potentiometer MCP41HV31 described in the Blog of the author.
26   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver
DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project! This file is intended for using 2x16 LCD.
27   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Nokia 5510 LCD
DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project!
This file is intended to use Nokia 5510 LCD. Into Bascom-AVR/LIB directory copy *.lib file!
28   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Arduino and Nokia 5510 LCD
DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project!
This file was written in the Arduino IDE and uses Nokia 5510 LCD.
29   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version
Robert (PA2RDK)has done his version of Weekend VHF radio for Dutch HAM operators.
30   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version 1
Functions of this version are described in the Blog.
31   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version 2
This file includes also Manual, where all functions are described.
32   Link   DRA818 VHF HAM radio transceiver - Nokia 5510 LCD, ver.1
DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project!
This file is intended to use Nokia 5510 LCD. COpy *.lib file to Bascom-AVR/LIB directory before compiling!
In case that you need HEX file send me an email.

Latest version!
33   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version 4
This file includes also Manual, where all functions are described. Included are also fonts and suitable LIB file.
34   Link   DRA818 - a weekend project: VHF/UHF Radio audio transceiver, ARM SW
Bojan (S53DZ) wrote SW for driving DRA818 with an ARM7.
35   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Abe's JA7LGC version
This file includes fonts, suitable LIB file and is already compiled. With it you can program ATmega328 with suitable programmer.
36   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Marko's S56FGS Arduino version, compiled
Includes HEX and EEP files, already compiled
37   Link   DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Marko's S56FGS Arduino version, source files
Visual studio solution, you have to compile source files on your own.
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