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Sheppard Program that emulates real fire with multiple LEDs using 3 ch. PWM on ATtiny45
1288 |
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TX_RFM12B_Minipin Program sends data on the Channel 8 when push button is pressed
1630 |
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RX_RFM12B_Minipin Program waits on the Channel 8 to receive data
1261 |
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Drive digiPot MCP41HV31 Program to drive digital potentiometer MCP41HV31 described in the Blog of the author.
1544 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project! This file is intended for using 2x16 LCD.
2082 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Nokia 5510 LCD DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project!
This file is intended to use Nokia 5510 LCD. Into Bascom-AVR/LIB directory copy *.lib file!
1629 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Arduino and Nokia 5510 LCD DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project!
This file was written in the Arduino IDE and uses Nokia 5510 LCD.
2304 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version Robert (PA2RDK)has done his version of Weekend VHF radio for Dutch HAM operators.
1404 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version 1 Functions of this version are described in the Blog.
1183 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version 2 This file includes also Manual, where all functions are described.
1555 |
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DRA818 VHF HAM radio transceiver - Nokia 5510 LCD, ver.1 DRA818 is a radio transceiver in one module. To make a radio station add to module a microphone, AF amplifier and a MCU. Trully a weekend project!
This file is intended to use Nokia 5510 LCD. COpy *.lib file to Bascom-AVR/LIB directory before compiling!
In case that you need HEX file send me an email.
Latest version!
1667 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Robert's PA2RDK version 4 This file includes also Manual, where all functions are described. Included are also fonts and suitable LIB file.
1471 |
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DRA818 - a weekend project: VHF/UHF Radio audio transceiver, ARM SW Bojan (S53DZ) wrote SW for driving DRA818 with an ARM7.
1155 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Abe's JA7LGC version This file includes fonts, suitable LIB file and is already compiled. With it you can program ATmega328 with suitable programmer.
1165 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Marko's S56FGS Arduino version, compiled Includes HEX and EEP files, already compiled
1352 |
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DRA818 VHF/UHF HAM radio transceiver - Marko's S56FGS Arduino version, source files Visual studio solution, you have to compile source files on your own.
1774 |