Hi all,

my short holiday is over, but builders of DRA818 weekend project VHF/UHF transceiver are not resting. Robert has upgraded his SW, here is what Rober wrote to me:

Hi Jure,
Hereby my latest version of the software.
It already has a lot of functionality:
    • Scan mode, delays if it receives a signal
    • Scan mode, stops after it receives a signal
    • Monitor 1 frequency every 4 seconds
    • Scan boundaries settable (min-max)
    • Monitor frequency settable
    • Step changeable 12.5, 25, 100 and 1000 Khz
    • Squelch, Volume and Modulation settable
    • CTCSS TX and RX settable
    • Menu option to save in eeprom frequency, scan min and max, monitor frequency, volume, squelsh, modulation, ctcss tx and rx and scanmode
    • 19 Dutch repeaters are programmed in 3 arrays (call, name, ctcss - 145.575 – 145.800) this tables need to be adapted for local use
    • By tuning to the top (174.000) the TRX junps to 430.000, so listening on 70cm also works a little bit.
    • Blocks transmitting outside the band. 
Pressing the button jumps through the menu, PTT exists the menu.
Frequency hopping is under development, Sending works, after releasing the PTT a 4 digit DTMF is sent with the new frequency and the TRX moves to the new frequency.
Receiving has the be build, but therefor I need to find a way to decode CTMF and build a second radio!.
Robert PA2RDK
See Bascom file & fonts at Download section. Note that you will need to complie it with licenced version of Bascom-AVR. For those of you who do not have licenced version I have compiled the SW for you and add it as HEX file.