A Free Template From Joomlashack

A Free Template From Joomlashack

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Hi all,

I have been playing with ultrasound distance measurement module. Nice little module that does basic distance measurement in the range of 3 mm to up to 3 meters or more.

I have used this module.

Bascom-AVR program is very simple:

$regfile = "m324padef.dat"
'$regfile = "m16def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000

Config Pind.3 = Input
Config Portd.4 = Output
Portd.3 = 0
Portd.4 = 0
Dim Distance As Word , W As Word , I As Byte

Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Lcdbus = 4
'Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db7 = Porta.7 , Db6 = Porta.6 , Db5 = Porta.5 , Db4 = Porta.4 , E = Porta.2 , Rs = Porta.1
'Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db7 = Portb.7 , Db6 = Portb.6 , Db5 = Portb.5 , Db4 = Portb.4 , E = Portb.2 , Rs = Portb.1
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db7 = Portc.7 , Db6 = Portc.6 , Db5 = Portc.5 , Db4 = Portc.4 , E = Portc.2 , Rs = Portc.1
'Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db7 = Portd.7 , Db6 = Portd.6 , Db5 = Portd.5 , Db4 = Portd.4 , E = Portd.2 , Rs = Portd.1
Cursor Off

Distance= 0

Pulseout Portd , 4 , 20 'Min. 10us pulse
'Waitms 100 'meant for testing error
Pulsein W , Pind , 3 , 1 'read distance
Incr I
If Err = 0 Then
W = W * 10 'calcullate to
W = W / 58 ' centimeters
'W = W / 6 ' milimeters
Distance = W
Distance = 0
End If

Locate 1 , 1
If Distance > 0 Then
Lcd "D= " ; Distance; " "
Locate 1 , 7
Lcd "cm"
Lcd "*ERROR**"
End If

Waitms 200

I did not complicate with designing a PCB, because module's connection to MiniPin is pretty straight forward with 4 wires like this:

Module works great. At measuring long distances one has to take care to disable unwanted echoes from the side of the module. My friend Vilko has put on sensors plastic tubes and achieved distance measurement of 4m.

Joomla Templates: from JoomlaShack.com